Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Assessment 1: Proposal

You are required to submit a digital art proposal for the work you intend on creating over the semester (you will eventually hand in 4 finished artworks from those created during class time). 

Your proposal is to be up to 1 typed A4 page (approximately 500 words). Your proposal is to be in essay form. Use the following points to structure your proposal:

What topic are you addressing with your artwork?
Choose from one of the follow:

·       The Loss of the Aura ("The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" Walter Benjamin, 1936)

·       Appropriation: Appropriately appropriate

·       Lost and Found

·       Is This Me? Self Portrait Project

·       What Is Gender Now?

Why are you addressing this issue/topic? Does it have some significance to you, contemporary society, art, etc.?

How do you feel about this issue/topic?
How does this issue/topic affect society or the individual?

What will your artwork be? What is the subject matter of your artwork?
What will your artwork look like?

What is an artwork and artist that will influence your artwork? Include at least 3 images, the name of the artist, the titles, medium and year of the works.
Is there anything else that will influence your artwork? For example, a book, a movie, a song?

Why are you influenced by these?

How will you use this influence in the creation of your artwork?


Assessment Criteria:
A satisfactory completion of assignment requires:
• A typed proposal addressing the above points, of approximately 500 words, submitted on the due date.
• Your proposal to be comprehensive and well written.
• Your proposal to be descriptive, imaginative and ambitious yet achievable.
Relevant resources (including images) correctly referenced using the Harvard referencing system, including a bibliography.

Due: Week 5, Friday
500 words
Presented on your blog.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Cool Contemporary Art Websites

Just some cool websites to get your creative minds ticking... 

This is Colossal 

Illustrator - Send Object backwards, Bring Object Forwards

Illustrator - Making Compound Paths

Illustrator - Fill and Stroke

Illustrator - Image Trace. Scanned Image

Illustrator - Comparison Between Drawn Image and Live Traced Image

Both of the images were created in Illustrator.

For the image on the left I imported my pencil sketch and then traced it using the Pen Tool.
I threw away my sketch when I gad finished tracing.

It's slow but very accurate.

For the image on the right I imported my sketch into Illustrator and Live Traced it.
That means that the computer created the line work for me.

It's faster, but not as accurate.

Illustrator - Image Trace

In Illustrator go to the File Menu

File > Place..

Find your image and click OK

When your image has opened in Illustrator go to the Window menu.

Window > Image Trace

These are the optimal settings for tracing the scan we have created:

Click Trace.

If you are happy with the result, go to the Control Panel and click Expand.

Your drawing is now converted into vector art work.

Illustrator - Tracing Template 5

Illustrator - Tracing Template 4

Illustrator - Tracing Template 3

Illustrator - Tracing Template 2

Illustrator - Tracing Template 1

Illustrator - Using the Pen Tool

Illustrator -Placing an Image

Illustrator - Pen Tool

Illustrator - Basic Actions

Illustrator - Toolbox


Here are the tutes and templates which we will be using in Illustrator.

You can copy them to a file on your back-up device or print them out.

Final Folio - Requirements

Final Folio - Topics and Requirements

Your Final folio needs to contain all of the following:

Illustrator                                      1 x piece
Photographic folio                      3 x piece (min)
Photographic Collage                 1 x piece
Film/video                                   1 x piece

Folio Topics

Final Folio - Topics 

 The Loss of the Aura ("The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" Walter Benjamin, 1936)

·       Appropriation: Appropriately appropriate

·       Lost and Found

·       Is This Me? Self Portrait Project

·       What Is Gender Now?

Assessment Breakdown

Assessment Breakdown

Proposal                                                   20%
Digital Art Journal                                   20%
Final Folio                                               45%
Presentation and Critique                         15%



Welcome to ACF2001 Introduction to Digital Art at Victoria University. This is the class blog where we will be posting tutorials, homework and links. So keep checking back here regularly to stay up to date!

Have a great semester!