Friday 6 March 2015

Illustrator - Scanned Image for Image Trace tutorial.

This image can be Copy > Pasted into Illustrator and then traced using the Image Trace tool.

The Image Trace tool is found in the Window menu.

Window > Image Trace

The Image Trace tool allows you to bypass the lengthy procedure of drawing an image with the Pen Tool.
It's major drawback when compared with the pen tool is that the result is not as clean and sharp.

If you click on the Preset button, you will see that there are several different qualities of trace which the prgram can perform. Clickthe Preview button at the bottom of the Image Trace box and then try all of the different Presets. 
The trace will not become final until you click the Expand button at the top of the Illustrator window.

NB You can also custome the quality of the trace you create by adjusting the Paths, Corners, Noise and Threshold values in the Image Trace window.

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